🇩🇪 45min HIIT

Wednesday, September 16, 6:00 PM


Coached by Kamil

🇩🇪 45min HIIT @ Schleidenpark

Wednesday, September 166:00 PM


HIIT is our signature full body workout. You’ll burn fat, tone your body and leave feeling high on endorphins. Get ready for 4 highly effective rounds of 7 varied cardio and strength exercises designed to push you to your limits! Our workouts with shareable equipment allow you to switch stations and complete a circuit using equipment like weights to enhance your workout. We use shareable Equipment. The equipment is disinfected after each class. INDOOR ONLY - The 2G+ rule applies at all our studios, meaning you have to be boostered or vaccinated + tested negative (antigen max. 24h, PCR max. 48 h) to participate in our classes - Please be at the studio at least 10 minutes before the class and have your certificate(s) ready to be checked - Wearing a mask is mandatory until the start of the class and right after it ends HYGIENE RULES: - Disinfect your hands before and after the class - Distance from other participants as good as possible - Use a towel

About Your Coach, Kamil

Kamil startete vor zwei Jahren, nach langen Umwegen in der Architektur, Design, Mode & Gastronomie, seiner Passion nachzugehen. Sein Jahrzehnte langer Begleiter, der Sport, wurde sein Beruf oder eher seine Berufung. Sein Ziel ist es, jedem einen Mehrwert zu geben, sowohl in sportlicher als auch in zwischenmenschlicher Hinsicht. Als Trainer ist er sehr fordernd und weiß es den Fokus hoch zu halten. Mit seiner motivierenden und humorvollen Art, schafft er es jeden Sportler an seine Grenzen zu bringen. Zusammen sind wir stark!



We train in the southern corner of Schleidenpark. You can get here by subway via the station "Hamburger Straße" or the station "Dehnhaide". Look out for the black cargo bike, coach and workout equipment. If you have any issue reaching the location please call the emergency line: +493083798610 or write us at [email protected] We are open: Weekdays: 5:30am until 9:00am / 6pm until 8pm Weekend: 8:00am to 13:00"

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